How to Use Video to Optimize Your Email Campaign

When it comes to getting your message across quickly, there is nothing that works as well as video technology. So, if you feel your email campaigns could be better, why not amalgamate the two? Videos in your email marketing can help to improve conversion rates, build brand awareness, or even educate.

It’s an optimization tip that can pay dividends for your brand. It shouldn’t be used in isolation, though. Read through the info graphic from 99firms for tips on how to get the most out of each email campaign.

Why Include Videos?

Ten years ago, a video in an email was cumbersome. It increased the file size dramatically and was maddeningly slow to open. You would have to watch it on your PC. With new tech, this has changed. People are now able to watch videos over a range of different devices and expect the media to load quickly.

Here are the top reasons for including videos:

  • Your point is easier to get across: People don’t take the time to read the text. Getting your message across in written format tends to take longer. Skip the hassle and record a video instead.
  • More likely to be shared: People love sharing useful videos they find
  • You’ll raise brand awareness: You don’t just need to have sales videos. Interview staff, other business owners, etc. Let people see that your brand is more than a faceless corporation
  • Can be fun: It also doesn’t have to be all serious. You can show a different side to your company. Do your research properly; you want to come off as clowning around a little, not being the class clown

Lights, Camera, Action!

ENG Video Camera and Arri 1K Light

Hold on, before you pull that camera out. The actual shooting of the video is the last thing that you are going to do. You have a lot of homework to do before you get started (don’t worry, it’s going make it even better).

Start out by defining the goals you want to achieve with the campaign. Here are some possible goals:

  • Selling a new line. Say, for example, you sell nail polish. You could highlight the new line and make an introductory video
  • Teaching clients how to use the new line. Show the clients how to get the perfect finish when using your nail polish
  • A tutorial showing the product in action but not directly related to using it. This sounds the same as the previous one, but the effect is subtler. It’s more of a product placement idea. So, show people how to do a manicure at home from start to finish. Ending off, of course, with your nail polish

In all three above, the ultimate goal is to try and sell more nail polish, but you are going to achieve it in different ways. The first video can be an outright plug. The second video is more about showing what it looks like and how to use it. People watching this have presumably bought it already, so no sales talk.

The third video could be a hybrid between sales and a tutorial. Those watching are learning something useful. It, therefore, benefits them to watch the video whether they buy or not. At the same time, using your product keeps it front and center in their minds

Define the Players

Now it is time to do some research.

  • What’s your target audience? What will they respond to? What needs do they have? How can this campaign be helpful to them?
  • Who are your competitors? What similar strategies have they tried? What direction are they currently heading in?

Bring The Plan Together

People Selected as a Target Audience, Online

Now you want to be able to block out a step by step plan for the campaign. Before you get start, determine the following;

  • What script is being followed? What story line and camera actions will be needed? If necessary, create storyboards of each scene.
  • What budget are you working with?
  • What time constraints are there to consider?
  • Are there potential obstacles?
  • Is there any room for improvement?
  • Contingency plans

Create your to-do list with all of the above in mind. You need to have the essential material for the shoot ready before you start.

Once you have got the plan laid out, shoot the best video that you can. Make sure that the lighting and sound is spot on and, ultimately, offer a great video experience to help enhance your brand image. Check out the 99firms Info-graphic here.

Reel Designer

Reel Designer is an online resource magazine showcasing expert-lead best practices, interviews and original articles on product strategy, video production and marketing, and, user experience design.


  • Email marketing is becoming a lot easier these days as the online marketing industry grows. If you are tech savvy you can simply sign up to an auto-responded service & get started. Most email marketing services will provide you with comprehensive training on how to complete your email list building & marketing campaigns

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