Business Man Film Clapper Slate

The Big Danger if a Businesses Avoids Doing Video Marketing

If a business or sole proprietor is debating to just ignore video, what dangers are they facing?
WAYNE FORD: Here comes the scare tactic, but it’s also true: If you do not act now, your competitor is not going to ignore leveraging video and they are going be able to establish themselves (and not you) as the expert in your field or own that niche on YouTube instead of you!

Now is a really great time to get started and experiment with your video marketing.

Social Video Content MarketingThe playing field has somewhat been leveled and although YouTube is not the ideal playground yet for businesses it’s headed that direction.

Think of YouTube like Facebook was a few years ago – Soon a lot more ad budgets will be poured into a brand's YouTube channel. This is the time to get started – but with some caution and patience.

Chances are unless your niche market is young adults your perfect demo is not on YouTube quite yet – but they will be.


” …Your competitor is not going to ignore leveraging video … they are going be able to establish themselves as the expert in your field on YouTube instead of you. “

– Wayne Ford, Video Coach, Sociable Video

How should a business get started with video? OR Is Do-It-Yourself (DIY) video an okay starting solution for businesses?
WAYNE FORD: I think a great way for a business to get started with video content that’s affordable and actually doesn’t take any video equipment is an animated explainer video. Use a service like Sparkol’s VideoScribePowToon or GoAnimate and create a short video that explains your product or service. This type of video doesn’t make sense for all businesses but for those that you do it’s a great first video to feature on your site. Here’s an article with more information on how to go about this solution.

I also think the DIY route is a viable solution as well, as long as you have first taken the time to learn a few key production strategies and how to use some basic equipment first.

The Best Value Gear for Creating Video

My shooting weapon of choice is the Canon 5D and I record audio separately with a Zoom H4n recorder. I also love the Ring Lamp Light as a very affordable key light. You can also find lot’s of cheap Softbox Lighting Kit online.

The Canon 5D is expensive so another option might be renting, using a Canon T4i or even starting out with the webcam on your iMac…

Honestly, for newbies, most modern tech is ‘good enough'.. I'm here to help you get over the biggest hurdle: getting started and seeing results!

Top of the line equipment isn’t needed but good lighting, clear picture and audio is crucial. You can squeeze a lot of production value out of a small budget and my course goes over several options for all budgets.

As far as editing goes – iMovie can get you started but I would recommend upgrading to Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 or Final Cut X as soon as you can. Or finding a college kid on to do your editing for a reasonable rate.

Wayne Ford

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