5 Ways Video Builds Your Organization

When you know why you should do something, it often changes how you do it. Here are 5 reasons why video is great for business.

Why video one may ask? If you were to ask the average company owner if they felt video was good for business, they’d probably give an emphatic ‘of course’. If you were then to ask why it was good, the answer might be found somewhere between a head scratch and a long whistle sound.

‘…oh I don’t know. It get’s the word out, right?’
It’s a pretty good answer.

Yes, it get’s the word out. People buy what they know.

The simple truth is: video is profitable.

But before you can make that profit, you have to dig a little deeper.

Finding that inner why is important because it’s going to shape your campaign. When you know why you do something, it often changes how you do it.

Here are some of the reasons why video works:


People buy what they feel.

Reel Designer Group Smiling People

There’s a reason why history buffs love Gladiator. It’s the same reason why nature lovers drool over Planet Earth. Video does what almost no other medium can do. It fills the senses with a real and visceral experience. If you can give your clients that kind of ‘drool’ moment where they keep clicking ‘play’, your video will go viral. And that’s great for business.


There’s no better way to impress.

We’ve all heard a lot about social media marketing these days. It’s cool and young, and for those that get it, profitable. Social media is all about interacting with people. Sharing ideas. Tweeting. Here’s the honest truth: video is the king (a-hem, guru) of social media. Using your video in a social media context will blow away any competition that posts about kittens and their favourite jeep.


The perfect repeatable sales pitch.

Real Estate Agent Touring Home with Young Couple

We’ve all given a sales pitch. It usually happens over a coffee or by phone. It’s uncomfortable. There’s plenty of face twisting, teeth twinkling and hard questions. Ug. Just imagine if you could have your perfect sales pitch masterfully crafted ahead of time, add music, mood lighting, and brilliant images of your product with beads of water dripping down it (might not be appropriate). And you can use it an infinite amount of times. Guess what… video.


Online video keeps people on your site.

Google analytics never lies. Your cousin’s first website (4-bit color!) a U2 fan site, still receives precisely 3.6 minutes of viewership from each guest. Your business website? 3.6 seconds. Something’s wrong. Let’s look a little deeper and see if we can solve this problem. Oh, U2sucks.com has a video on the landing page and your business site doesn’t! A video captures the audience’s attention. Teenagers. If only they could design our websites.


Show your video everywhere

YouTube Video Marketing on iPhone

[embedit snippet=”ad2″] Remember when you were in school and the teacher put a tape in the VCR? Remember that bubble of excitement in your throat that turned into hyper convulsions and sent you to detention? Well, we adults are not so different. We just hide it better. Show a video at your next presentation. Pop it on your iPhone and share it on the subway. Hand out flash drives at trade shows. Now you’re getting the hang of it.

So now you know why your business should have a video. You may have even gained some ideas as to how it could be marketed. This is going to be important. It will help shape your campaign and give direction to your video.

When you’re deciding on a video company, make sure they give you a thorough creative brief. A good company will ask questions that will not only draw out your message, but will determine what your campaign should look like.

Good luck! And if anyone asks why you’re making a video, you can tell them it’s because you want your company to succeed.


Reel Designer

Reel Designer is an online resource magazine showcasing expert-lead best practices, interviews and original articles on product strategy, video production and marketing, and, user experience design.

1 comment

  • I never really thought about the time and money put into one video as being fully redeemable on different platforms again and again – of course! Sure, I put in the investment once, but it can be used again and again for years just like a pamphlet, or website, or better – and it can be interacted with! Wow, thanks for opening my eyes you guys – keep the articles coming! – Shauna

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